Distinction in the Major

Distinction in the Major

To be eligible for Distinction in the Major, a student must have completed 120 units of coursework with an overall grade-point average of at least 3.5 and at least 24 upper-division mathematics and statistics units with a grade-point average of at least 3.5 (excluding Mathematics 100A-B, 193, 195A-B, and PSTAT 133A-B-C and 193). To earn Distinction in the Major, the student must maintain a grade-point average of at least 3.5 in all upper-division and graduate mathematics and statistics courses (excluding Mathematics 100A-B, 193, 195A-B, and PSTAT 133A-B-C and 193) and complete one of the following: (a) a senior thesis, Math 197A-B; (b) a two-quarter graduate sequence; or (c) together with a math faculty advisor, submit a proposal for an interdisciplinary program of three mathematically oriented courses outside the math department.

Option A: Senior Thesis General Guidelines

The senior thesis is an opportunity for mathematics majors at UCSB to expand their knowledge of mathematics beyond the course content they have been studying.  A student pursuing the senior thesis will choose an advisor from among the faculty of the Department of Mathematics, and with that advisor’s direction, they will research a topic of interest in mathematics. Students will need to enroll in Math 197A-B with their advisor while working on their thesis. The final product is a written paper, and the student will demonstrate a high level of understanding of the mathematical concepts they have researched in their thesis paper.  As a foundation, the mathematics content should at least be similar in scope and rigor to that found in upper division courses.  The thesis should also expand on the topic beyond what is found in upper division courses by extending important ideas or using known techniques to analyze a novel application.

Option B: Two-Quarter Math Graduate Sequence Guidelines

In order to be eligible for this option, a student must have at least a 3.5 GPA and successfully completed the required upper-division math courses. Please see the Department of Mathematics Graduate Course Policy for additional information.

Option C: Interdisciplinary Program General Guidelines

A student pursuing the interdisciplinary program will choose an advisor from among the faculty of the Department of Mathematics, and with that advisor’s direction, submit a proposal to the undergraduate committee for its approval. If approved by the committee, the student must work with their advisor to write a report at the end of completing the three classes to highlight the connection between the classes and what was learned. For Financial Mathematics & Statistics majors, the courses must be from departments outside of Economics and PSTAT since that is already a part of the interdisciplinary nature of the major. 

Distinction in the Major will be awarded at graduation pending final approval by the Department of Mathematics Undergraduate Committee. Written projects must be submitted to the committee by the 6th week of the quarter in which the student is graduating. To apply for Distinction in the Major, please complete the Distinction in the Major Application and email the Mathematics Undergraduate Advisors at ugrad@math.ucsb.edu.